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2009年11月25日 星期三

搶救氣候 保護雨林






法國辦公室請來了影星Melanie Laurent、中國辦公室請到了歌手蕭偉和作家春樹到印尼雨林一同見證雨林的破壞現況,拍攝大量的影像資料在國際媒體間曝光。為數眾多的當地居民和志願者成功地花了幾個星期的時間成功蓋起大壩,阻斷毀林的水道憑藉。綠色和平更在歐巴馬的亞洲行之前,將美國駐印尼大使請到雨林中實地探訪當地居民,了解毀林的嚴重現況和代價,並且將此訊息轉達給歐巴馬。在中國的氣候組也在歐巴馬抵達中國前,將一幅表達期待歐巴馬成為氣候領袖的剪紙藝術送交美國駐中國大使館,作為致送給他的禮物。而這兩個禮拜,氣候保衛站採取了更積極的行動,直接突擊造紙企業亞太漿紙公司(APRIL)盜用天然林的證據,拉上「你可以停止森林破壞」的標語,對全球領袖喊話。即使日前已有多位綠色和平工作人員甚至獨立的媒體記者先後被當地警方拘捕、審問且強制遣返,這一系列引人注目的行動引發大規模的媒體效應,而值得欣慰的結果是印尼的林業部上週停止了APRIL在該地區的採伐許可。


[1] 延伸閱讀,綠色和平氣候保衛站的部落格: http://weblog.greenpeace.org/climate/

圖片說明 (由上至下依序)

(1) Local people on the Serkap River, Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia

© Will Rose / Greenpeace

(2) Climate Defenders Camp Indonesia


Greenpeace activists and local community finishing constructing a dam on a peatland canal to stop the drainage of the carbon-rich peatland as part of their "Climate Defender Camp" at Kampar Peninsula, Teluk Meranti village, Riau province, Indonesia change from Indonesian rainforest Kofi Annan’s ‘climate justice’ ambassador and star of Quentin Tarantino’s latest movie ‘Inglorious Basterds’, French actress Mélanie Laurent has joined Greenpeace in the heart of the Indonesian rainforest today. Mélanie is here to speak out against the mass destruction of the planet’s forests because it is one of the main causes of climate change and a critical issue to be addressed at the UN Copenhagen Climate Summit in five week’s time.

© Ardiles Rante / Greenpeace

(3) Climate Defenders Camp Indonesia


Melanie Laurent, who stars in Quentin Tarantino's latest movie 'Inglourious Basterds', in the Indonesian Rainforest with Greenpeace speaking out against forest destruction and climate change in the lead up to the UN Copenhagen Climate Summit in December 2009.

© Will Rose / Greenpeace

(4) Climate Defenders Camp Indonesia


Chinese celebrities pop star Xiao Wei and Beijing novelist Chun Sue visit a recently destroyed and burnt peatland in the Kampar region of Sumatra.

© Will Rose / Greenpeace

(5) Greenpeace Climate Defenders Camp


Greenpeace activists hang banners reading "Forest Destruction: You can stop this" and "Climate Crime" from the top of a loading crane in the port of a major pulp mill facility in Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. The activists are shutting down the export facilities of the pulp mill, operated by Sinar Mas-owned pulp and paper company APP in the heart of Indonesia's rainforests. Sinar Mas is a driver of global climate change due to its role in widespread forest destruction. The action comes 12 days before the UN Copenhagen Climate Summit. Greenpeace is sending a message to world leaders to demand decisive action to avert runaway climate change and to provide funds needed to end tropical deforestation as part of a fair, ambitious and legally binding climate deal in December. Indonesia is the world's third largest climate polluter after China and the US, mainly as a result of the ongoing destruction of its forests and peat soils. Globally, a million hectares of forests are destroyed every month, emitting so much CO2 that deforestation is one of the main causes of climate change, responsible for about a fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions.

© Greenpeace

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